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What about the development of the glass industry in 2018? Will such enterprises really be eliminated?

Date of release:2016-08-04 Author:振中电熔 Click:

What about the development of the glass industry in 2018? Will such enterprises really be eliminated?

In recent years, the supply-side reform has deepened and deepened, and the glass industry has undergone tremendous changes. Once scattered, disorderly, small, weak industry in the transformation and upgrading of the drive, a large number of falling flower enterprises are eliminated. The market and industry consolidation is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole glass industry is showing a new trend and characteristics. It can be summarized as "four modernizations".

1. Branding: after years of development in the glass industry, the number of enterprises has increased rapidly and the market competition has become increasingly fierce. In recent years, the brand trend of glass enterprises has become obvious. The sales of brand enterprises have been rising steadily, occupying more and more market shares, while non-brand enterprises have been closed down successively. Brand is not the same as a simple registration has a brand, the brand needs the abundant enterprise strength to support, the brand need to culture, need service, needs to manage, the construction of the brand is not a day two days can be completed, need long time of accumulation and precipitation.

Services: 2, lean lean in just like the Olympic spirit, "faster, higher, stronger", is to do better, also need to pursue better, constantly improve their own products and services. The glass industry has experienced from scratch, from small to big, from weak to strong development process, to stand in the top of the industry, there is a long way to go. At present, most enterprises are still in the rough stage whether they are in products or services or in management, and the development of the market requires enterprises and industries to change from extensive to lean.

3, the Internet: now the Internet almost covers every corner of the world, the development of the industry is dependent on the Internet, make full use of the Internet tool, is equivalent to the production and operation of their own to plug in the wings, let your product service fly farther flying is more stable. Internet industry, require companies to change management ideas, learn to make good use of tools to provide services for their own, let companies have more extensive contacts, make the communication more smooth, more transparent information, but also greatly save the cost of marketing.

4. Capitalization: there are more and more listed companies in the glass industry, and mergers and acquisitions among listed companies are becoming more and more frequent. Listed companies enjoy more financial support, in the process of operation in the opponent can form a bigger when you fight for market share advantage, also can be directly buy rival companies, many large enterprises is in the unceasing development of merger, acquisition and reorganization. Glass industry market share concentration is higher and higher, has not yet listed companies, either public or cooperate with listed companies, or to be listed enterprise restructuring, only create powerful products and services, is the most enterprise development.

The address of this article:http://enzirconia.mycn86.cn/news/354.html

Key word:zirconium,zirconia,Fusedzirconium

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